Before and After Tree Removal: What You Need to Do

Do you have trees or even woods in your yard? If so, tree removal is a service you might need at some point. While you can remove some small trees by yourself, larger trees need expert attention.

If you own a residence or business in the Atlanta area, consider engaging Smyrna’s trustworthy tree services, Southern Tree Pros, to get your project done. We are able to handle any type of tree work safely and professionally.

Taking down a tall Georgia oak or hickory can be quite an adventure. Read on as our team discusses considerations about what you need to know and do both before and after a tree removal project.

What to Do Before Tree Removal

Engage an Expert

The proper procedure is to hire a professional arborist to examine the tree. Arborists are well versed in tree removal practices and know the best methods to remove a tree efficiently. Moreover, if your tree is old, diseased, or dead, an arborist will know how to handle it. Hiring an expert also saves you time and resources since arborists also have the perfect tools and skills for the job.

Clean Up the Area

Clearing out the area around the tree is essential before the tree removal process. You must ensure that the tree (or its pieces) will have ample space to fall. Stash away garden accessories and toys and move your vehicles to avoid damage. It is also best to inform your neighbors about the tree removal activity to avoid unexpected havoc in the neighborhood.

You’ll need to create room for the tree removal service’s fleet to allow easy equipment reach. Therefore, if you have a fence blocking access, remove it to enable crews to drive equipment to and from the site.

What to Do After Tree Removal

Remove or Repurpose the Stump

After the tree removal is over, what remains is a stump.  You may choose to keep the stump and hire a landscape company to turn it into an appealing feature. You can find endless ideas for using a tree stump—for example, turning it into a garden table. However, you may want to remove the stump if you feel it is out of place and is only using up unnecessary space.

A complete tree stump removal involves root removal to ensure that the tree doesn’t regerminate. Most tree removal services offer stump grinding to get rid of the stump. The tree removal service you choose should also clear your backyard of branches and twigs.

Fill the Open Hole

The tree stump removal process will leave a wide, open hole in your backyard that will need filling. First,  be sure to remove any tree matter left inside, like debris, wood chips, and rocks. Then you can cover the open space with soil. However, make sure you use a fresh soil top layer to allow easy grass, shrub, or tree germination.

Raise the level of the replaced soil since it will settle and may leave a depressed patch in your yard. Be sure to water the area well after planting your desired plants to boost growth.

It may take time for the refilled patch to grow enough grass to blend in with the rest of the yard. However, for a quick solution, you could plant a new tree or shrub, and no one would know you’d dug up the site recently.

Work with Our Tree Experts in Smyrna, GA

The tree removal process is delicate and requires expertise. Knowing the befores and afters of the tree removal processes is essential for anyone seeking tree removal services.

Check out our Southern Tree Pros guide to tree root removal to see how we deal with leftover stumps. You can also contact us at Southern Tree Pros in Smyrna, GA, at (770) 841-1684 to get a free tree removal estimate.


Southern Tree Pros

Our company provides a range of services that covers everything from small residential tree maintenance jobs to large commercial projects. Our Atlanta tree service staff is fully trained and equipped to meet your needs.

Contact Us

2743 Orchard Knob Dr Atlanta, GA.
(770) 841-1684

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