Southern Tree Pros Offers Comprehensive Tree Health Care Service

Trees, like human beings, require proper care to grow properly. Healthy trees grow in value with age and also have the potential of increasing your property’s value. Trees can beautify your landscape, purify air and save energy by providing cooling shade from summer’s heat.

On the contrary, an unhealthy tree can become a liability, pose a threat to your safety and expose your home to danger. Southern Tree Pros provides exceptional tree care services in Marietta, GA, helping you to keep your trees strong, healthy and beautiful year-round.

Tree Health Care Services Provided At Southern Tree Pros

Tree Disease Treatment

Although trees are resilient, they can sometimes become vulnerable to diseases. While some diseases are species-specific like oak wilt, some are general like pine needle rust, leaf spots and Tar spots. Diseases, if not treated on time can cause irreversible damage to your tree. Southern Tree Pros uses a variety of disease treatments to keep your landscape healthy. The team carries out accurate diagnosis and then provides treatment targeted at the specific diseases affecting your tree.

Tree Pest Control Services

Pest infestation can cause incalculable damage and loss if not addressed on time. Damaging pests may stress your trees, render your landscape unsightly and cause death of trees in certain circumstances. The team of experts at Southern Tree Pros uses research and industry-leading techniques to help you keep your trees healthy and beautiful year-round.

Tree Fertilization Services

When your soil is lacking in the required nutrients to support your tree’s proper growth, fertilizer could be applied to boost the soil nutrients and help your trees grow. Southern Trees Pros has experience when it comes to fertilizer mixes that release healthy nutrients to support your trees. They also provide quality mulching techniques with your tree’s health in mind.

About Southern Tree Pros

Southern Tree Pros is a certified and licensed tree care company reputable for offering science-based plant health care services in Marietta, GA and the surrounding areas. The company offers a wide range of solutions to keep your trees healthy and beautiful. From seasonal insect control and tree disease management to beneficial oil amendments, the team has the knowledge and expertise to create a custom tree care plan for your landscape.

If you need professional assistance to boost your tree’s health, visit their  official website or call: (770) 841-1684.


Southern Tree Pros

Our company provides a range of services that covers everything from small residential tree maintenance jobs to large commercial projects. Our Atlanta tree service staff is fully trained and equipped to meet your needs.

Contact Us

2743 Orchard Knob Dr Atlanta, GA.
(770) 841-1684

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